Sunday, September 21, 2008

How do I see UFOs?

What you DON'T need
You don't need to be Christian, Muslim or Jew to see these events.  You don't have to be Germany, American, Hebrew.  You don't have to be a certain color or have a certain creed in order to see them.  You don't need to be a member of the government or military.  Sorry boys.  I understand that they are tired of dealing with liars and deceivers, your false presents and your broken promises.

What you DO need.
There are a couple of factors that need to be in place in order for you to be able to call these beings down from the heavens.  The first is that you need "clean hands".  Clean hands are defined as committing no wrongs.  I'm not saying that you have to be perfect but if you are taking part in unethical practices then you chances of being presented with a sighting will be slim.  They detest liars more than anything.  So don't be on drugs, drinking alcohol etc when trying to see them.  They will detect it and won't come.

You need to understand that these are spiritual beings just like ourselves.  I won't say that they are evolved more than we are because there isn't any time in the spiritual universe.  I will say that they are not affected by the "human condition" as we are on Earth, in that we are born, live, die, forget and reborn ad nauseum.

These beings have the same bodies for many many years.  Sometimes thousands of years of the same body.  The don't get sick, they don't die from old age and they don't forget.

Since they are not having to re-develop their mental capabilities every lifetime they are better off than we are.  They can understand your thoughts and your speech.  You didn't think all of our languages are only spoken on Earth did you? So what's the best language?  Hebrew of course.  But not to worry. They understand all languages and all of them understand English.  So if you are a Spanish or German speaker, don't worry.  They can understand you perfectly.

You need to be of kind heart.  Kind heartedness is not perfection.  It is having some consideration for your fellow human being and planet.  It's ok to get mad once in a while.  We all do.  But you need to be able to quickly "forgive and forget" as it were.   Don't hold any grudges for days, weeks or years against someone.  Allow the possibility that there could be amends among you and that you could possibly be friends again.  These beings understand kindness.  This is one of the key elements to having a sighting.

You need to be happy and of good cheer.  I'm not talking about "Yeah I think I am pretty happy" kinds of thoughts.  I am talking about HAPPY that you can't stop smiling about.  Find a happy thought in your past.  Dwell on it and think of nothing else.  If you are having a hard time with that, then force yourself to smile really big and hold it.  In a few moments you won't be able to stop smiling and you will find something that will keep you laughing.  

You need to be able to quiet your thoughts.  You need to be able to clear your head.  This is a key point.  These beings are telepathic.  Yes you can shout at the heavens but they aren't listening with hearing aides.  They are listening to your's and other's thoughts.  Have you ever meditated so well that you opened your eyes and didn't know where you were or things took a few moments to come into focus?  That's the type of mind you need to be able to develop.  You can reach this through meditation.  Prayer is also a form of meditation if it is done correctly.  I myself tend to enter a slight trance while making contact.  Human bodies aren't used to not flapping meat together to make communication so they zone out when the mental communication takes place.

On a side note:  Do not masturbate.  I have to say this because masturbation stirs up mental energy and clouds you from being able to project an intention further than your nose.  Sex is ok though.  I won't get into it now but if you have done this then it's better to wait about 24 hours for the mental mixup to subside before attempting again.  They don't really care to be honest with you.  It just hinders the ability to call them down easily.  You may end up there for several hours and not see anything at all.  

So to sum this all up we need to be happy, have clean hands, a kind heart and a clear mind.  


Oberon said... lenard walson....look through his telescope.

Oberon said...

....masturbate as much as you like.