Sunday, September 21, 2008


I've been sitting here and really frustrated with this landing pattern.  It's bad enough that the trees here eat up the whole skyline but the traffic pattern puts base and final right over my only viewable sky.

I know they won't come when there is a lot of air traffic.  I'm sure that they understand that they tend to cause general panic to the casual viewer.  After all, the majority of this planet has been taught that humans are the only life in the universe.  Well that simply isn't true.

I can show you it's not. :)

Now that I got my frustrations out of the way I am feeling much better about it all really.  I know that around midnight the pattern gets shut down out here.  And then I will ask again and they will come. (smile)

Now that I am thinking about it, I should go ahead and test the video processing of this site by posting some video.  I've not been into this whole weblog scene since it started and I've never posted nor will I probably ever post a YouTube video.

So I will go work on that after a short smoke break. :0)

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