Sunday, September 21, 2008

3rd Party Sightings

Many of you may ask "Have others seen these sightings with you?"

The answer to this is yes and no.   I have had a couple times where I am with someone and I may see a sighting and the other person will also see the same thing.

There are times when I am with some people and they never see them.  I've noticed that people who have a heavy biblical backgrounds tend to not see them as much as those of us who haven't had that sort of indoctrination in Christianity.  

But for the most part, yes others see them with me.  I only ask that in order for them to have this experience that they understand that there IS life all throughout the universe.

You'd be quite surprised how many people are terrified of them however.  I don't blame them.  That's all part of human conditioning.

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