Sunday, September 21, 2008

20 Sept 2008 - 2200-2230hrs CDT

Today had been a really long day.  I've had to evacuate my home town because Hurricane Ike destroyed it.  I am currently located in northwest Houston.  

The reason it's particularly long is because where I am located there are lots of planes taking off/landing from Bush Intercontinental airport.  

My sightings have been slim but at least one a day here and sometimes multiple sightings at the same time. In other words two or more vehicles showing up.

Tonight was very interesting as I was testing a theory of whether I needed to speak the words or simply just think the words to have them show up. 

At first I spoke the words and one flew over my head and to my astonishment did a "jump!"  The path was north to south.  I don't know how high it was but it was definitely above the clouds.  

After it passed over head I thought "Turn of light" and it dimmed out.

This left me in complete amazement.  I've had sightings my whole life but nothing was ever like this!  So I decided to sit down and have a smoke and think about the event.  While I was sitting there I got the idea that maybe I should try to call them without using my voice.  I bowed my head and started to ask in my mind if they could hear what I was thinking that they could show me by perhaps flying back over that same path.

A few moments later I look up and here it comes again on the same exact path back from the south.  I smiled up at them and thanked them and they flashed their light at me several time as an ok and continued flying north over the cloud and then back up into space.

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