Sunday, September 21, 2008

In the beginning..

...there was the first post.

The reason for starting this blog is to outline my experiences about my life regarding what most people consider to be UFOs and extraterrestrials (ET) or extra-biological entities (EBE).

UFOs are simply Unidentified Flying Objects.  This could be anything from a bird or butterfly to the latest military plane or orbitting satellite such as the International Space Station.  Many times people think that the things they are seeing are aliens from another planet when there are truly logical explanations for what they have seen.  I am not saying that what you saw or experience was NOT  a close encounter of the first, second or third kind.  

I'm not here to talk about what those things "might" be.  I'm here to talk about sightings that literally "out of this world!"

Over time I will be keeping this log updated as a diary in my life.  I will try to post as accurately as I can and include photos and video where possible.  I do have a camcorder coming soon but due to the recent flooding of Hurricane Ike it's somewhere between my home town and Houston proper.

Once I receive the cam I can start posting videos of what I see so that you, the skeptic or the believer, can make your own decisions about them.  I am not here to dispute any claim other than the fact that these beings and craft DO SHOW UP when I ask them to come to me.

Have I ever reported these incidents to agencies like MUFON?  Nah,  there isn't any need really.  My sightings are so numerous that I could easily clog up their desk with 20-30 sightings in a matter of a few days.

Perhaps later on down the line I will post about how I make this happen but for now it's not really important.  Just sit back and enjoy the blog.

Sightings are going to be listed with the day - month - year and time duration in the title of the post.    Since I am currently living on a generator for the past 10 days I can't always get online to post the sighting at the time it happens so I will put it on notepad and post it later.

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